The contraceptive injection is injected every 1, 2 or 3 months (every 4 , every 8 or every 12 weeks), depending on the type. The contraceptive injection has an efficacy of 96-97% with typical use.
The timing of injections is not based on the monthly bleeding. It works similarly to the pill or the ring, except that you don't have to remember to take it every day or every week.
As with most contraceptives, they aren’t the ideal choice for everyone so getting advice from a professional is something we always recommend.
How to use the contraceptive injection?
There are different types of injectable contraceptives:
- Some injections must be given by a healthcare provider. The physician injects the contraceptive into the upper arm with a syringe.
- Also, there is a type of injectable contraceptive which you can inject yourself after you have been shown how to do it by a healthcare professional.

Contraceptive Injection PROS:
- Highly effective
- It lasts for 1, 2or 3 months
- It permits sexual spontaneity and doesn’t interrupt sex
- It doesn`t require daily or weekly attention
- It can offer an alternative to those affected by the hormone estrogen (only true for injectables which contain only progestins)
- It can be used when breastfeeding (only true for injectables which contain only progestins)
- It may reduce heavy and painful periods for some women
- Easy to hide
Contraceptive Injection CONS:
- It may cause some people to suffer headaches and mood swings
- It may cause headache, weight gain, abdominal discomfort
- It may take up to one year for your period and fertility to return after stopping injection
- It may cause disrupted periods
- You may lose bone density if you get the shot for more than 2 years in a row (only true if the injectable used contains only progestins)
- Does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
All important details about the contraceptive injection
The contraceptive injection is a shot that contains hormones, either a progestin alone, or a progestin and an estrogen together, that stop your body from releasing eggs and thickens the mucus at the cervix. You need one shot either once every month, once every two months or once every three months from a healthcare provider. However once injected, it is not reversible, i.e. in case of side effects it cannot be stopped.

The way it works is similar to the pill, or the ring, except you don’t have to remember to take it every day or week, but it probably isn’t the best choice for those scared of needles.
Firstly, you’re going to need to talk to your healthcare provider. As with most contraceptives, they aren’t the ideal choice for everyone so getting advice from a professional is something we always recommend. If you decide the contraceptive injection is a method, you’re interested in your healthcare provider will do it for you. Then, depending on the type of shot you get, you’ll just need to go back every 1, 2 or 3 months for another top up and you’ll be highly protected in between.
Questions & Answers about the Contraceptive Injection
You do need to have the injection once every month or up to every three months, depending on the type of injection you have; your healthcare provider will explain how often you need to have injections. The amount of hormone which is injected to prevent unintended pregnancy will only last around 4-12 weeks depending on the type, so if you miss an injection, you will not be protected against pregnancy.
The injection must be given by a healthcare provider. Depending on where you live, you can have the injection done at your local doctors or family planning clinic.
If you are sexually active and do not currently wish to have children, you can continue having the injections to protect against pregnancy, providing you find the method suits you and you have regular check-ups with your doctor or healthcare provider.
No. There may be a delay in regaining fertility after stopping monthly injections, but in time the woman will be able to become pregnant as before, although fertility decreases as women get older. The bleeding pattern a woman had before she used injectable contraceptives generally returns a few months after the last injection. Some women may have to wait a few months before their usual bleeding pattern returns.
Periods and fertility may take up to a year to return after stopping injections, depending on the type of injectable, and this may vary from woman to woman.